Pavel Žampach, updated 2024/12/10 (comparison of compilers)
This page is my small contribution to retro computer and CP/M community
Compilers (50 KB) - comparison of CP/M compilers. Source texts used for test are here
FS (30 KB) - original simple flight simulator.
ANSI2WS (8 KB) - RSX program for translation ANSI keycodes to "WordStar standard".
RC4 (7 KB) - RC4 cipher for encrypt/decrypt files.
AES128 (13 KB) - AES128 cipher for encrypt/decrypt files.
EDBase64 (12 KB) - Base64 encoding/decoding.
RS-MAIL (17 KB) - my attempt to create e-mail system under CP/M, as an example only.
SC126CPK (2 KB) - how to simply add beeper to SC126
YTRANS v 1.5 (29 KB) - programs for transfer CP/M files to/from PC (PuTTY or KiTTY terminal) via YMODEM protocol. Note: ZModem support, needed for this, was unfortunately removed from KiTTY 0.71+, ver. 0.70 you can download here - standard version and portable version (thanks for tip to Guido Lehwalder).
ED80 (0.9 MB) - tiny editor for programmers, installed for ANSI terminal.
WASH16 (20 KB) - improved utility for directory maintenance.
WS2RTF (7 KB) - conversion WordStar files to RTF.
DXHELP (34 KB) - file DXFORTH.GLO converted to Z-system HELP.
MAKER (4 KB) - developing toolbox for DX-Forth.
LIB (32 KB) - libraries for DX-Forth including DBFACC.
WIFI_MOD (12 KB) - examples of using WiFi modem on SC126.
CARDS (6 KB) - two solitaire games (Fifteen and Free cell).
TED (7 KB) - fixed and improved editor for DX-Forth.